December 3, 2004
Biblical Inerrancy
Not sure I completely agree with em, but they are certainly worth a review:
In response to the trend toward liberal and neo-orthodox interpretations denying the biblical inerrancy of Scrupture, the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy was produced by hundreds of evengelical scholars and leaders in an international and interdenominational effort to affirm and defend biblical inerrancy. This statement was produce at a congress, sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, in Chicago during the fall of 1978.
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy was signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including James Boice, Harold Lindsell, John Warwick Montgomery, Roger Nicole, J.I. Packer, Robert Preus, Ear Radmacher, Francis Schaeffer, R.C. Sproul, and John Wenham.
The International Council on Biblical Inerrancy went on to produce another significant statement: The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics in 1982 for the purposes of clarifying hermeneutical principles and practices.
November 30, 2004
November 25, 2004
def: To represent (letters or words) in the corresponding characters of another alphabet.
In English Bibles there are some significant words that the translators chose not to translate. Three come to mind immediately
- Baptize: def; to wash, dunk or dip
- Apostle: def; emissary or missionary (one sent out)
- Deacon: def; servant or server
Each of these words has quite common and utilitarian meanings in the language of their day (Greek) and have simple and obvious translations in modern, and even archaic, English.
By NOT translating these words with their clear and simple meaning, the religious people are allowed to MAKE UP the meaning for these MADE UP words, even to the point of ignoring and contradicting what was written in the original texts.
I will offer an in-depth discussion of these three words
(and maybe others that y’all choose to point out)
November 23, 2004

def; a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders
1. specifically applied to the twelve apostles of Christ
2. in a broader sense applied to other eminent Christian teachers
King James Word Usage - Total: 81 “apostle” 78 times, “messenger” 2 times, “he that is sent” 1 time
The Greeks had a word for a person sent as a messenger, that word was; “apostolos” -- Modern English has various words (even a religious one) that could accurately translate this word; “messenger” “emissary” “envoy” “ambassador” “representative” “diplomat” and “missionary”
In the Gospels (Matthew, Mark Luke & John) there are the Twelve sent out by Jesus;
- Simon, who is called Peter
- Andrew, Peter’s brother
- James & John the sons of Zebedee
- Philip
- Bartholomew
- Thomas
- Matthew the publican
- James the son of Alphaeus
- Lebbaeus Thaddaeus
- Simon the Canaanite
- Judas Iscariot
(Matthew 10:2-5)
Needless to say, Judas Iscariot lost his position, and the other 11 chose Matthias, by lot (drawing straws), in the Upper Room (Acts 1:21-26)
However, JESUS chose a new “12th” and sent him out; Paul, Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9)
Revelation 21:14 reffers to; “the twelve apostles of the Lamb” In MY opinion the twelth one of these is Paul, rather than Matthias, as Matthias was not chosen by Jesus, and Paul was chosen by Jesus.
The question I want to address here is the LOSS OF MEANING that comes from transliteration…
By making up a word to replace (rather than translate) the greek word which simply means “messenger” Religious people can give it any definition they want. Most don’t even realize there were OTHERS designated as apostles/missionaries beyond the twelve; Barnabas; James, the brother of Jesus; Andronicus and Junia; Titus; and even Jesus himself.
Clearly, The Twelve apostles/missionaries chosen and sent out by the Lord Himself hold a special place, as Revelation 21:14 indicates. But, scripture also plainly says the God chooses Others as missionaries (and prophets, evangelist, pastors, teachers) throughout the history of the Church right down to this present day.
November 19, 2004

def: | 1. to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk) |
2. to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one's self, bathe | |
3. to overwhelm |
(for a more complete treatment of this doctrine read this)
First lets look at the words, the language... There are four Greek words that are read as some form of baptize;
Baptizo Baptisma Baptismos Baptistes
These all derive from one root word; "bapto" which means to "to cover wholly with a fluid;"
In four places these words are translated "wash" (Mark 7:4 & 8, Luke 11:37-38, Hebrews 9:10)
In three they are translated "dip" (Luke 16:24, John 13:26, Rev 19:13)
In all other cases we find some form of the word "baptize". This is a word made up by Religious scholars, by simply spelling the Greek word for English speakers... this is called "transliteration" NOT translation
What this means is that the men who WROTE the New Testament had no special word, like "Baptism" for the event they were describing.. they simply said "wash."
For instance;
- Matthew 3:11 the writer actually wrote; "... he shall wash(cover) you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:"
- Mark 1:8; "I indeed have washed(covered) you with water: but he shall wash(cover) you with the Holy Ghost."
- Matthew 28:19; "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, washing(immersing, dunking) them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
NO Greek scholar can contradict the above translation.
BUT - is it talking about WATER, dunking, getting people QUITE wet?
John-the-baptizer clearly got people wet! He often stood in the Jordan river, preaching and calling sinners to be baptized/washed for repentance, because the Messiah was coming soon!
Jesus followers were also Baptized/washed, in a similar manner to John's as there were repeated comparison to John's ministry of Baptism/washing.
In Acts chapter eight, the preacher Phillip , while teaching the word to a foreigner, is asked... Here is water, why can't I be baptized/washed? The man clearly understood from Phillip's teaching that he needed to be baptized/washed in water. Phillip, of course, baptized/washed the man. Later in Acts chapter ten, Peter clearly states that water is necessary to baptize/wash those in attendance
Peter's first letter mentions Baptism (chapter 3); first comparing it to the great Flood, then making a point that it not be confused with taking a bath to wash ones body, indicating that there was a similarity. Clearly referring to WATER in both cases.
From Strong's Concordance (electronic) | |
911 | bapto, bap'-to; a prim. verb; to whelm,i.e. cover wholly with a fluid; i.e. (lit.) to moisten (a part of one's person), or (by impl.) to stain (as with dye):--dip |
907 | baptizo, bap-tid'-zo; from a derivative. of G911; to make fully wet; :--baptist, baptize, wash. |
908 | baptisma, bap'-tis-mah; from G907; baptism (techn. or fig.):--baptism. |
909 | baptismos, bap-tis-mos'; from G907; ablution (cerem. or Chr.):--baptism, washing. |
910 | Baptistes, bap-tis-tace'; from G907; a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner:--Baptist |
(for a more complete treatment of this doctrine read this)
November 5, 2004
an Epiphany
"e·piph·a·ny" n. ... A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
I was in my prayer closet (okay... a bench at the beach, but I was praying) and after I finished a realization came to me:
"No one needs me,
Everyone needs Jesus"
My son asked (about the election).
(I know I said "No Politics" but it IS my Blog, after all )
I'm of two minds actually...
Given a choice between the Democrats running the country, and the Republicans.. I'd prefer Republicans.
However; I'm a Libertarian and a fundamental principal of Libertarians is limited government. So, oddly enough; In my opinion, because the Republicans now have control of Congress, I would prefer a Democrat for President, as that would paralyze the federal government's ability to pass laws for the next 4 years
The ONLY good I see in this is that Bush will appoint 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices (But I'm not sure I completely trust him, even in that)
The Libertarian Party is committed to America's heritage of freedom: |
Please read and consider how we may STILL end up with Liberal Judges, and sign the petition.
November 2, 2004
God does not look for endless confession.
It is the enemy that accuses the faithful, not God.
Look at how Jesus taught us to pray; (Matthew 6:9-13); start with praise, then simply ask for forgiveness, and move on. God's forgiveness is assured. In fact if there is ANY prerequisite for forgiveness it is not confession, but to BE forgiving.
I feel compelled to add certain standard recommendations for anyone struggling with depression. Get a complete physical (because there sometimes ARE physical causes). Embrace a healthy lifestyle.. eat healthy, exercise, avoid things that pollute/harm your body.
(Posted in response to a Q&A comment asking about Depression)
October 26, 2004
I must admit, when Row Vs Wade was decided (1973), I was a young evangelist, and I had no personal problem with it. I had never actually given it much thought, and saw the Catholic position as being just one more example of the Vatican’s legalism, an extension of their position on birth control. As the debate heated up, I continued to see this as a question between a woman and her doctor. My only concern was for the damage I saw resulting from back-street abortions.
As it became clear to me that the Church was being forced to take a position on this, as much by the loud voices IN the Body as by any external pressures; I took the question to God, in prayer. Simply asking my Lord “Are you for abortion, or against it?” My answer came back clear and simple… God is against abortion, it is wrong. And for me, that is enough. I don’t need great rationalizations, I don’t need scientific proof. I only need God’s clear unmistakable Word. The issue was decided for me.
I realize this does not answer the question posted;
“Will you take on the highly charged issue of abortion? I can't believe how many christians I know who support the "right to choose." I've even read of women saying they were sending their baby back to God! Is there really a difference between "thou shalt not kill" and abortion?”
Therefore the following is essentially my opinion.
To the woman who claims she is sending her baby “back to God” I would ask if it’s okay to send her 2-year-old back to God as well, given that toddlers can be amazingly inconvenient at times? It’s only a question of timing.
As far as the “Right to Choose” I support this. I support the right for every person from conception to death the right to choose FOR THEMSELVES their fate. The Gospel of Christ is founded on the very concept of choice, of choosing to live or die, eternally. I have no right, nor can I, choose my children’s fate for them, nor can their mother.
As I mentioned in dealing with the death penalty question; the Law given by God to Moses to govern Israel makes provision for killing (capital punishment). So the question may not be whether "thou shalt not kill" covers abortion, but is better asked; does God sanction the killing of innocents, by the very ones charged with their nurturing and protection, the mother and doctor? There is only one possible answer: “No”
Without getting into the complexities of this decades long, continuing debate, I want only to touch on certain points.
- Several states are willing to bring the charge of double murder against a person that kills a pregnant woman, and the child she carries
- It baffels me how a woman can feel the child growing within her, interacting with her.. and deny it is a living person.
- I have personal knowledge of a woman that had an abortion simply to avoid a delay in her rhinoplasty (nose job). While there may occasionally be valid unique justifications for an abortion, the Supreme Court’s decision to allow abortion on demand has lead to terrible abuses of human life, such as trading a child’s life for a nose job.
- I find no compassion in my heart for the doctors, nurses and technicians that cunduct abortions. I see them as willful murderers (tho even murder can be covered by the blood of Jesus)
However , for the woman, the mother that makes this terrible decsision, my heart grieves. Especially when they are the victim of, abuse, attack, fear, confusion and the deception of our society concerning this issue. The Love of God is her refuge. Forgiveness is a free gift to ALL that will receive it.
(Posted in response to a Q&A comment asking about Abortion)
October 19, 2004
Let’s get this settled right at the top of the page; Divorce is NOT the unforgivable sin. Okay?
That said, I find it interesting that of all the many things we find defined as sin in scripture this one was actually ALLOWED under the Old Law!
Jesus, thru-out his ministry took the fine points of law, as taught by the rabbis and BROADENED the definition; “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” (Matthew 5:21-22)
We see this pattern over and over “Ye have heard that it was said…” “BUT, I say unto you…” I believe Jesus was teaching that God’s view of sin is not so narrow and legalistic as man’s. Jesus is making the point that ALL have sinned. This is leading into His final sacrifice for ALL sin, no matter how narrowly or broadly defined.
You see, divorce IS a sin, yes. Jesus makes that clear. And then He went to the Cross and DIED for your divorce!
BTW, to suggest that one should get ANOTHER divorce to undo the first remarriage is an absurdity, as is the argument that the couple weren’t really believers so it don’t count! Sin is Sin. Did Jesus die for nothing? Did his death on the Cross NOT cover the sin of divorce?
So… if it’s Judgment you are concerned about… rest easy, Jesus died for your divorce, for your lies, for your hate, for your cheating, for your traffic tickets.
HOWEVER… Sin is also Damaging, hurtful, and destructive… that’s what makes it sin in the first place! So there are Consequences; broken homes, wrecked marriages, screwed up Kids. So, let’s talk about AVOIDING divorce.
Scripture says “husbands love your wives” and when that was written virtually ALL marriages were ARRANGED, not the result of romantic attachment. We need to stop looking to our spouse to be everything we need, to stop expecting our spouse to be the fulfillment of all our fantasies, to be perfect. Men need to love their wives as Jesus loved the Church. And Jesus died for the Church, for YOU, while you were STILL IN YOUR SINS. Jesus didn’t come looking for those who would fall at his feet, serving Him just in a faint hope of maybe being loved … Jesus came to a Rebellious people and HE decided to Love them, to give even his LIFE for them, to take the Blame for all their offenses. THAT is the model of Love that we should follow. Love is the DECISION to put your wife ahead of yourself no matter what she does.
Why do I address this primarily to men? Because in my counseling and ministry I’ve seen that most women will love a man no MATTER what he does. Of course our society is SO turned upside-down that women act like men, and men like women… but that’s another Blog.
(12/10/2005: I feel obligated to add a caveat here, namely that I filed for divorce in September 2005 after over 30 years of marriage and 2 years of separation . I assure you that my own divorce has NOT changed my opinion on this issue, as the above was originally written LONG before I considered divorce as a personal option)
October 9, 2004
Was there SIN in the Garden?
The question is; "is it possible to sin, without the knowledge of Good and Evil?” I propose that it is not. And therefore while Eve, and then Adam, disobeyed God… they did not sin. At least not until AFTER “The Fall”
Obviously you ask; “is not disobedience itself, a sin?” Consider a small child that is told by the parent; “Do not touch the stove” is it inherently wrong (and therefore a sin) to touch the stove? Of course not, people touch that stove daily.
Does God not give us direction, guidance for our lives, that when ignored, is not inherently wrong (sinful) but is only wrong in our disobedience? An example; a young man is called by God to attend seminary, to become a Pastor; instead he goes to a secular college and becomes a lawyer. Is it a sin to become a lawyer? (some would say “YES” I’m sure☺) Is it a SIN not to attend seminary? Not at all. Most people do not attend seminary, and I’m sure there’s a righteous lawyer, or two, out there somewhere.
SO? Why do I draw this line between disobedience and sin? I draw this line because I believe it is CRUCIAL to our understanding our relationship to God, under Grace. Any Bible student realizes that Jesus went to the Cross so that when you and I, believers, stand before the ultimate judgment, and the Books are opened that our names will be found to be written in The Lamb’s Book of Life,. And we will be found to be sanctified, to be innocent, by the blood of Jesus.
If this be the case, does Sin matter? As Paul says “should we just continue in Sin, that Grace may abound?” Paul’s answer is “no,” for the fundamental reason that sin is wrong, it harms us, it screws up our lives. This of course is true.
But if we are not compelled, coerced by the threat of ultimate punishment, why do we not sin? What guides our life? Jesus answered this very specifically, and his answer was “obedience” Jesus said that if you Love Him, you will obey Him.*
The nation of Israel was given a choice; Follow the Law that God gave to Moses, and be blessed; or rebel and be cursed. The fundamental carrot and stick of God. In the Old Testament we see this played out, on a personal, individual, level and on a national level.
And I believe many of us still seek that simplicity. We want to see the bad punished and the good rewarded. But is this what Jesus taught? Or did he teach that to follow Him might well bring PAIN, even martyrdom? Did Jesus teach that God causes the rain to fall on both the just AND the unjust? Did Jesus say to let the weeds grow with the wheat and it will all be sorted out at the final reckoning?
You see, I think there is a beautiful symmetry in God’s plan that we have all missed.
God originally created a World in which there was no sin, no hate, no crime, and no fear. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply to have dominion over God’s creation, and he placed only very minor limits on them. All they needed to do was obey.
Adam chose to disobey. Adam’s choice made sin possible and society as we see it today is the result of that decision. Wars, greed, hate, crime... all the result, the outcome, of Adam’s disobedience.
But what of Christ? Paul calls Jesus the “last Adam.” Jesus offered himself on the cross, a blood sacrifice for our sin, payment. Jesus’ obedience at Calvary overturned the disobedience of Adam in the garden. By Adam’s disobedience sin came in (because Adam obtained the knowledge of Good and Evil), by the sacrifice of Jesus that very sin was PAID FOR! We no longer must deal with Sin. Even tho we know the difference between right and wrong, and choose the wrong on occasion; the issue today for the believer is once again simple obedience.
Do you see the symmetry in this?
- God created mankind, and asked only for obedience
- Adam rejected obedience and chose a life of law and punishment, good and evil, sin and righteousness.
- Jesus took away the OUTCOME of sin, the punishment (death) and restored man to his original relationship in the garden, a relationship of obedience
Do you doubt this symmetry? Then read what Jesus taught at the very end of his ministry: “If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” (John 14:23)
Is this not the very relationship Adam had with God, in the garden?
October 7, 2004
- There is the forgiveness that is a response to repentance
(response to an apology) - There is God’s forgiveness based on HIS desire to forgive us
(this we often call “grace”) - There is a person’s decision to forgive someone who has offended them WITHOUT any repentance on the part of the offender.
It is important to first realize that within any act of forgiveness there is an accusation, for there would be no NEED to forgive if there had not first been an offense. I am reminded of a man that sat in prison for many years for a crime he did not commit. When recent DNA evidence proved him innocent, in order to speed up his release, the governor of his state offered him a pardon. The man refused, pointing out that a pardon carried within it an admission of guilt.
Jesus taught that we should always forgive any offense for which there is repentance, an apology. Specifically he said to forgive 490 times (when asked how many times one must forgive). HE also asked how we can expect God to forgive us, when WE repent, if we do not forgive those whom have offended us?
Needless to say Jesus lived this out in his OWN life, becoming the very mechanism for God to forgive every ONE of us who accept His sacrifice for our sins. God forgives us ALL the offense we have committed, ALL our crimes, ALL our sins. This forgiveness is based on the fact that the crimes (sins/offenses) we have committed against God, for which we rightfully deserve punishment, has been taken care of by God’s Son, Jesus. Jesus took the punishment (death) for our sins. And I assure there are more that 490!
Let me first state the obvious; when someone steals from you, attacks you, slanders you, YOU are the one injured, right? The one who injures you, at least in the short term, feels no pain or loss, agreed? Now here’s the crux of the matter: As long as you cling to that injury, dwell on it, remember it, YOU continue to be injured! The bad guy goes merrily on his way, and may not even remember what he did, and certainly does not care. Yet the injury may fester in your life for YEARS.
This is completely unjust!
So how do we resolve this? FORGIVENESS
Remember, forgiveness IS an accusation. When you forgive that person your ARE accusing them. You are declaring them “Guilty” and then making a decision within your own heart to no longer hold them to it. You are admitting that the only true justice is at God’s throne, not yours.
You don’t have to find excuses for their actions, nor absolve them of guilt. You simply let them go. Remove their offense from your docket. This is not done to change them (it likely will not change them) but to release YOU from the pain of remembering and dwelling on the offense. The one who offended you is left to answer to God for their crimes, a judgment no man or woman escapes.
So, there’s the “why” now what about the “how?”
The first step is based n the simple belief (faith) that God said to do it, so it MUST work; Simply speak the words;
“I forgive ______ for ___________”
Then PRAY, asking your Heavenly Father, who makes ALL claims for vengeance, ask Him to give you the peace, the relief, and even the faith to forgive the one who hurt you. And, you do this again and again until you find it to be real, to be true.
How long will it take, how many times? Well probably more than one, but most likely less than 7 x 70.
There is one more issue that I will address here. It is actually part of another major discussion but I can’t avoid it here, because it so often comes up…
What about the “Our Father...”
After this manner therefore pray ye: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name…. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. …” For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6)
Much of Jesus’ teaching is about sin and judgment WITHOUT Grace. He is pointing out the condition of life BEFORE the Cross. He does this to show the NEED for his sacrifice on the cross, to show that ONLY in Him can mankind find forgiveness.
Jesus was teaching Jews, who had a system of sacrifices and such to deal daily with their sins. These sacrifices were teaching them the NEED to pay for sin with blood… showing the NEED for Jesus to go to the cross, the one perfect sacrifice for all sin for all time.
In Matthew 6:15 Jesus is saying that even with the temple sacrifices, if they do not forgive others they can expect no forgiveness. It is important to note that this teaching is NEVER repeated after the Cross.
God’s forgiveness of our sins is based on the sacrifice of Jesus’ Blood on the cross, not on any action, or fault, of ours… other than simple repentance, acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus.
I find this the first intensely rational solution to the quagmire in Iraq. We have "allies" such as Saudi Arabia, who claim that they are peaceful Muslim, or secular, nations and they deny they support terrorism. It's time to call their bluff...
In other words tell these arab dictators to "put up, or shut up" Either they come in and take a LEAD in destroying terrorism, or admit they are terrorists themselves. As President Bush has said, either they are against terrorism or they are a PART OF IT. The US should as quickly as possible turn over the policing of IRAQ to troops from these "peaceful" Arab nations.
If these so-called "peaceful" arab nations refuse to step up to the challenge then the US should close the borders, impose martial law thru-out the country and destroy all opposition, and any place, city or town that harbors them. Forget the pretense of building a free and democratic Iraq and simply RULE the fool country.
October 2, 2004
Did Adam have a Belly Button?
Why do so many Christians find it necessary to rationalize their way around the literal interpretation of this scripture?
Does anyone think Adam, was created as a baby?
Of COURSE not!
If Adam was created a mature, full grown man; What about the REST of creation?
God created a mature earth.
Consider for a moment that you were to arrive on earth the day after God rested from creation. We'll call it "Day 8." You look around... What does this 8 day old earth look like? Is it all seedlings and sprouts, baby animals?
No, there are mature plants and animals. How did they survive? What does a mature oak tree need to survive? Where does a mushroom grow? What does a termite eat? All these require DECAYED material. Where did this decayed material come from? God created it!
You see, on Day 8, the Earth was OLD. If not, it would have failed, because it would have been ecologically unsound. A forest cannot survive without mature plants and trees, many seedlings need their shade. And mature plants and trees cannot survive without decayed plants and trees!
Consider this.... how deep is the Milky Way? Astronomers estimate that the other side of our galaxy is 100,000 Light-years away. So, how can we see those stars, if the light from them HAS NOT REACHED HERE? God created those stars with their light already on the way!
This is the reason that legitimate, honest scientist believe that they have found evidence the earth is very old; because that is the way God created it. Otherwise this ecosystem would have failed.
This "Mature Earth" concept reconciles the Word of God, with the discoveries scientists have made.
God's Word is a true, therefore our observations of reality must be interpreted in the context of God's Word.
My life...
Born December 29th 1951 to a Church Of Christ Preacher in Tucson Arizona. I do not remember a day or an hour that I did not know the Lord, His Bible, His Gospel. I have never walked away from the Lord
During college I began a detailed study of the Gospels, using a "Red Letter" edition of the Bible, I studied the teachings of Jesus. I developed a standard for study that provides a rational basis to determine sound doctrine; The teachings of Jesus are The Doctrine of Christ are the basis for all legitimate Doctrine. The Pauline letters and other writings of the New Testament simply amplify and expound on this foundation (with the exception of the Revelation).
I give very little consideration to any teaching that is not CLEARLY stated in The Word. When I hear a teacher stringing together "proof texts" (none of which clearly state the doctrine they hope to prove)or quoting theologians I turn away, and let them speak to more willing ears.
At the age of 21, a young man from a Nazarene Church accosted me in a public park. He asked me a question I had never been asked before; "Does God control your life?" As most bright young American college students would have answered, I said; "No, I control my life!"
This young man opened the Word to me, showing me that Jesus taught common people, not scholars, that Jesus meant what He said, not as some unreachable goal, but as the way to actually live our lives. He showed me that Jesus taught that our love for God is shown in our Obedience.
On Sunday afternoon April 2nd 1973, I made a commitment to simply obey God. To do what He told me to do, to say what He told me to say. To obey those things I clearly know to be His will for me.
That same year I married and God has since blessed us with two children, Michael (now in the US Navy) and Sarah.
After four years of walking as best I could in God's will, following every path that seemed "good" in my understanding. I found myself stretched too thin, pastoring, evangelizing, working full time for Teen Challenge, and promoting Gospel music. I often found myself committed to a project, while God seemed to be asking me why I was doing it!
In September of 1977, overwhelmed by various things including an impending lawsuit I went to my Lord. Praying all through that Friday night... I concluded by asking God for a three to five year break. And, I offered almost all I had in exchange for the absolute knowledge of God's will for my life, moment by moment, day by day.
In 1979 I was in a near-fatal car accident, receiving injuries, some of which follow me to this day, and eventually ending my Naval career.
After four years of warming a pew, questioning every Christian leader I met... "How did they hear God?" I found the answers unsatisfactory. Talk of "doors opening" a "quickening" of the spirit or a "check" in the spirit. As legitimate as these indications may be, I knew that Moses had not taken on Pharoah because a "door opened". That Elijah did not call down fire on Mt Carmel because his spirit was quickened when he thought of it.
I knew that Men of God, in the Old Testament heard God's voice, clearly and unmistakably! And THAT is what I wanted.
God's Spirit, in His good Grace, taught me over the years to recognize and know, without doubt, the Voice of my Lord. He provided me brothers and sisters in Christ, to confirm and oversee my walk. And He, God, began to HOLD ME RESPONSIBLE for that which He told me to do!
Finally God required me to act on his direction without the luxury of confirmation. His Spirit showed me that I must learn to act on God's Word, depending purely on my knowing His Voice. My pastor could neither confirm nor contradict that which I was hearing.
As this process continues I have reached a level in my walk with God where I clearly hear His voice, becoming unshakable in my commitment to follow His direction. God still provides me confirmation of His direction thru my pastor and other recognized leaders in His Kingdom
In 1993, God challenged me to a new ministry. He challenged my assumptions about ministry. He told me that His son, Jesus, had gone to the Cross for the likes of Jeffrey Dahlmer, and Charles Manson. He told me that He loved the abuser as much as the abused. And he called ME to go tell them so. This began my street ministry, seeking out the worst cases, those farthest from the Lord. Going out in to the highways and byways, and compelling them to come into the Fathers house!
In conclusion... I still find simple and unconditional obedience to God's Will to be the only way for me to walk in His Kingdom.
Jesus repeatedly points out that everything He did originated with God, that He came to do God's will, His final act of obedience was to go to the cross ("not My will, but Thine"). My very salvation is based on Jesus' obedience to God's will. How can I do any less?
God is looking for simple obedience to His will, rather than endless discussion of fine points of theology. God is looking for the Body of Christ to respond to Jesus, it's Head, for each member to respond to the will of Jesus, just as each part of our body responds to direction from our head/brain, each member being appropriately joined together that God's will may be done!
Isaiah 30:21
"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee,
Saying, This is the way, Walk ye in it,
when you turn to the right hand,
and when ye turn to the left"
Stuff I wrote many years ago
An Open Letter to Christians in Business
The above article refers to this Parable
Does GOD have Rights? "God's Monopoly"
So.. read, react whatever..
You can even Quote without attribution...
for we posses nothing, but hold ALL things as servants of the ONE True God
OK.. it's here...
What could BE more trendy?
God's been telling me I need to start writing down the things His Holy Spirit has been teaching me for the last 40 years... so this is as good a place as any.
Later I'll probably refine this and turn it into web pages.
I plan to share my thoughts on things like the nature of sin, forgiveness, salvation and such like.
(Too funny for words; the spell checker here doesn't recognize the word "Blogging")