October 2, 2004

My life...

OK, so maybe this is cheating... but I spent a LOT of time on this back in 1997 ~when I wrote it~

Born December 29th 1951 to a Church Of Christ Preacher in Tucson Arizona. I do not remember a day or an hour that I did not know the Lord, His Bible, His Gospel. I have never walked away from the Lord

During college I began a detailed study of the Gospels, using a "Red Letter" edition of the Bible, I studied the teachings of Jesus. I developed a standard for study that provides a rational basis to determine sound doctrine; The teachings of Jesus are The Doctrine of Christ are the basis for all legitimate Doctrine. The Pauline letters and other writings of the New Testament simply amplify and expound on this foundation (with the exception of the Revelation).

I give very little consideration to any teaching that is not CLEARLY stated in The Word. When I hear a teacher stringing together "proof texts" (none of which clearly state the doctrine they hope to prove)or quoting theologians I turn away, and let them speak to more willing ears.

At the age of 21, a young man from a Nazarene Church accosted me in a public park. He asked me a question I had never been asked before; "Does God control your life?" As most bright young American college students would have answered, I said; "No, I control my life!"

This young man opened the Word to me, showing me that Jesus taught common people, not scholars, that Jesus meant what He said, not as some unreachable goal, but as the way to actually live our lives. He showed me that Jesus taught that our love for God is shown in our Obedience.

On Sunday afternoon April 2nd 1973, I made a commitment to simply obey God. To do what He told me to do, to say what He told me to say. To obey those things I clearly know to be His will for me.

That same year I married and God has since blessed us with two children, Michael (now in the US Navy) and Sarah.

After four years of walking as best I could in God's will, following every path that seemed "good" in my understanding. I found myself stretched too thin, pastoring, evangelizing, working full time for Teen Challenge, and promoting Gospel music. I often found myself committed to a project, while God seemed to be asking me why I was doing it!

In September of 1977, overwhelmed by various things including an impending lawsuit I went to my Lord. Praying all through that Friday night... I concluded by asking God for a three to five year break. And, I offered almost all I had in exchange for the absolute knowledge of God's will for my life, moment by moment, day by day.
In 1979 I was in a near-fatal car accident, receiving injuries, some of which follow me to this day, and eventually ending my Naval career.

After four years of warming a pew, questioning every Christian leader I met... "How did they hear God?" I found the answers unsatisfactory. Talk of "doors opening" a "quickening" of the spirit or a "check" in the spirit. As legitimate as these indications may be, I knew that Moses had not taken on Pharoah because a "door opened". That Elijah did not call down fire on Mt Carmel because his spirit was quickened when he thought of it.

I knew that Men of God, in the Old Testament heard God's voice, clearly and unmistakably! And THAT is what I wanted.

God's Spirit, in His good Grace, taught me over the years to recognize and know, without doubt, the Voice of my Lord. He provided me brothers and sisters in Christ, to confirm and oversee my walk. And He, God, began to HOLD ME RESPONSIBLE for that which He told me to do!

Finally God required me to act on his direction without the luxury of confirmation. His Spirit showed me that I must learn to act on God's Word, depending purely on my knowing His Voice. My pastor could neither confirm nor contradict that which I was hearing.

As this process continues I have reached a level in my walk with God where I clearly hear His voice, becoming unshakable in my commitment to follow His direction. God still provides me confirmation of His direction thru my pastor and other recognized leaders in His Kingdom

In 1993, God challenged me to a new ministry. He challenged my assumptions about ministry. He told me that His son, Jesus, had gone to the Cross for the likes of Jeffrey Dahlmer, and Charles Manson. He told me that He loved the abuser as much as the abused. And he called ME to go tell them so. This began my street ministry, seeking out the worst cases, those farthest from the Lord. Going out in to the highways and byways, and compelling them to come into the Fathers house!

In conclusion... I still find simple and unconditional obedience to God's Will to be the only way for me to walk in His Kingdom.

Jesus repeatedly points out that everything He did originated with God, that He came to do God's will, His final act of obedience was to go to the cross ("not My will, but Thine"). My very salvation is based on Jesus' obedience to God's will. How can I do any less?

God is looking for simple obedience to His will, rather than endless discussion of fine points of theology. God is looking for the Body of Christ to respond to Jesus, it's Head, for each member to respond to the will of Jesus, just as each part of our body responds to direction from our head/brain, each member being appropriately joined together that God's will may be done!

Isaiah 30:21
"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee,
Saying, This is the way, Walk ye in it,
when you turn to the right hand,
and when ye turn to the left"


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