March 11, 2009

Memorize Scripture

"These words, which I command you this day, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them for a sign on your hand, and they shall be for symbols between your eyes. You shall write them on the door-posts of your house, and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

We need to make the Inspired Word of God an integral part of our thinking.
We are what we read, what we watch, what we hear and what we study. Yes?

I feel that every Believer should memorize Scripture,
and memorize certain basic facts concerning the Holy Bible:

Admittedly this is something I find extremely difficult (memorizing).
Songs, on the other hand are easy to remember,
so; if you have trouble memorizing look for songs to help you.

Basics of scripture that every Believer should know from memory:

Books of the Bible
  1. Name
  2. Author; known or attributed(some books name their author, some do not)
  3. Type; History, Prophecy, Epistle(letter), Wisdom
  4. Subject; Life of Christ, History of Israel, end times prophecy, etc

The Full Armor of God (I’ll let you find the verses)

Roman Road; 5 verses in Paul’s letter to the Roman Church which lay out the way to salvation

The Beatitudes; The Opening to Jesus’ sermon on the mountain Found in Matthew 5 verses 3-12

The Ten Commandments (I’ll let you find the verses)
Oddly enough there’s some disagreement over which exactly is the fourth commandment

Works of the Flesh (I’ll let you find the verses)

Fruits of the Spirit (I’ll let you find the verses)

Spiritual Gifts (I’ll let you find the verses)

5 ministries God has given to the Church (I’ll let you find the verses)

Names of The Twelve

Names of the Tribes (there’s several list, some of which differ a bit)

The Seven Churches of Revelations Found in the first 3 Chapters
Know the Name and Nature of each

There are 3 portions of scripture, a sermon, the last class Jesus taught The Twelve, and His last Prayer, which are Very important to know and understand, and if we do so, we will understand almost all of Jesus’ message to His followers

  1. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5,6 &7 (there’s a similar sermon in Luke 6)
  2. Jesus Last teaching: John 14-16
  3. Jesus’ Final Prayer; John 17 in the garden the night of his capture

Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill in Athens; (I’ll let you find the verses)
Here he preached to pagans with no knowledge of Scripture. It is a masterful sermon!

Also; Stephen's sermon in Acts chapter 7 gives an excellent outline of the Old Testament history of Israel.

There are MANY lists of verses you can use. (one example)
AND, be sure to memorize any verse that you find to be especially meaningful

As I’ve said elsewhere; the best version of the Bible is the one in your heart and mind, the one that your friends and neighbors SEE in your daily life.


Anonymous said...

Hi brother!
I really enjoyed your article on memorizing Scripture! I have memorized this verse since I met you online nearly 10 years ago, Psa. 37.37:

"Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace."

Pastor Mark said...

Thanks Pastor Bruce,
always good to hear from you, brother

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