October 26, 2004


I must admit, when Row Vs Wade was decided (1973), I was a young evangelist, and I had no personal problem with it. I had never actually given it much thought, and saw the Catholic position as being just one more example of the Vatican’s legalism, an extension of their position on birth control. As the debate heated up, I continued to see this as a question between a woman and her doctor. My only concern was for the damage I saw resulting from back-street abortions.

As it became clear to me that the Church was being forced to take a position on this, as much by the loud voices IN the Body as by any external pressures; I took the question to God, in prayer. Simply asking my Lord “Are you for abortion, or against it?” My answer came back clear and simple… God is against abortion, it is wrong. And for me, that is enough. I don’t need great rationalizations, I don’t need scientific proof. I only need God’s clear unmistakable Word. The issue was decided for me.

I realize this does not answer the question posted;

“Will you take on the highly charged issue of abortion? I can't believe how many christians I know who support the "right to choose." I've even read of women saying they were sending their baby back to God! Is there really a difference between "thou shalt not kill" and abortion?”

Therefore the following is essentially my opinion.

To the woman who claims she is sending her baby “back to God” I would ask if it’s okay to send her 2-year-old back to God as well, given that toddlers can be amazingly inconvenient at times? It’s only a question of timing.

As far as the “Right to Choose” I support this. I support the right for every person from conception to death the right to choose FOR THEMSELVES their fate. The Gospel of Christ is founded on the very concept of choice, of choosing to live or die, eternally. I have no right, nor can I, choose my children’s fate for them, nor can their mother.

As I mentioned in dealing with the death penalty question; the Law given by God to Moses to govern Israel makes provision for killing (capital punishment). So the question may not be whether "thou shalt not kill" covers abortion, but is better asked; does God sanction the killing of innocents, by the very ones charged with their nurturing and protection, the mother and doctor? There is only one possible answer: “No”

Without getting into the complexities of this decades long, continuing debate, I want only to touch on certain points.

  1. Several states are willing to bring the charge of double murder against a person that kills a pregnant woman, and the child she carries
  2. It baffels me how a woman can feel the child growing within her, interacting with her.. and deny it is a living person.
  3. I have personal knowledge of a woman that had an abortion simply to avoid a delay in her rhinoplasty (nose job). While there may occasionally be valid unique justifications for an abortion, the Supreme Court’s decision to allow abortion on demand has lead to terrible abuses of human life, such as trading a child’s life for a nose job.
  4. I find no compassion in my heart for the doctors, nurses and technicians that cunduct abortions. I see them as willful murderers (tho even murder can be covered by the blood of Jesus)

However , for the woman, the mother that makes this terrible decsision, my heart grieves. Especially when they are the victim of, abuse, attack, fear, confusion and the deception of our society concerning this issue. The Love of God is her refuge. Forgiveness is a free gift to ALL that will receive it.


(Posted in response to a Q&A comment asking about Abortion)


Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor M

About Abortion Hard for me to discuss... but I lost a few at first, I thought it was the right thing to do. Ya know for sacrifies when I was in the Dark Occult world as a Breeder.

Then I for some reason I felt guilty. Through brain washing... I guess thats why it was ok at first. Than I had one taken from me while in Russia and i never had a say about that they just took it. I have ended up all in all to have an empty feeling of guilt and shame and I has of yet need to deal with I guess. Family planning people make it so easy to just have an abortion. In Russia this is the way it is for birth control and they think nothing of it. It is a piece of Tissue. But there is not much help after wards for those "I hate Me, Days.".......Sigh :o(

I dont agree with the partial birth abortion. I mean you you go through a natural birth and get the baby half way out and shove a pair of sharp sissors or knife into the back of its head and listen to it scream in pain. This is out and out murder. And I dont think G-d Approves. What next they wont let mental handicape people live too? Where will it end. M.H.

Anonymous said...

MH, you might check out Project Rachel.

Pastor Mark said...

My Russian sister, Thank you for being open to sharing the truth from your life concerning this very difficult issue


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