November 5, 2004

My son asked (about the election).

My son asked what I thought of the election outcome, and here is my answer:
(I know I said "No Politics" but it IS my Blog, after all )

I'm of two minds actually...

Given a choice between the Democrats running the country, and the Republicans.. I'd prefer Republicans.

However; I'm a Libertarian and a fundamental principal of Libertarians is limited government. So, oddly enough; In my opinion, because the Republicans now have control of Congress, I would prefer a Democrat for President, as that would paralyze the federal government's ability to pass laws for the next 4 years

The ONLY good I see in this is that Bush will appoint 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices (But I'm not sure I completely trust him, even in that)

For those of you who confuse "Libertarian" with "Liberal" (opposites)

The Libertarian Party is committed to America's heritage of freedom:
* individual liberty and personal responsibility
* a free-market economy of abundance and prosperity
* a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade.
(Actually I'm more for Imperialism; "PAX USA")

Please read and consider how we may STILL end up with Liberal Judges, and sign the petition.


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