December 3, 2004

Biblical Inerrancy

Thought I'd share these two documents with y'all...
Not sure I completely agree with em, but they are certainly worth a review:

In response to the trend toward liberal and neo-orthodox interpretations denying the biblical inerrancy of Scrupture, the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy was produced by hundreds of evengelical scholars and leaders in an international and interdenominational effort to affirm and defend biblical inerrancy. This statement was produce at a congress, sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, in Chicago during the fall of 1978.

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy was signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including James Boice, Harold Lindsell, John Warwick Montgomery, Roger Nicole, J.I. Packer, Robert Preus, Ear Radmacher, Francis Schaeffer, R.C. Sproul, and John Wenham.

The International Council on Biblical Inerrancy went on to produce another significant statement: The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics in 1982 for the purposes of clarifying hermeneutical principles and practices.

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