November 25, 2008

I Believe....

Doctrinal Statement

...In the One true God, Creator of the Universe, and all that in it is.

...In Jesus; God's Divine and "only begotten" Son. The Creative Word of Genesis chapter 1, born in the flesh, of a virgin, walked 30+ years on this earth without sin, offered His own Body a sacrifice, in MY place, taking MY death sentence upon Himself. Raised from the dead after three days, walking the earth, proving the reality of His ressurection to over 500 witnesses, and finally, ascending into heaven to rule and reign at the right hand of His Father, the One True God.

...In God's Holy Spirit, My guide and comfort,
the Mechanism of God's power.

...In the Holy Bible, as accurate and divinely inspired.

...It is my reasonable service to God,
an expression of my love for Him,
to submit my entire life to Him,
as His willing servant,
without reservation or limit,
holding back nothing.

1 comment:

Amysplash said...

this is great pastor much love amy

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