![]() Doctrinal Statement | ...In the One true God, Creator of the Universe, and all that in it is. ...In Jesus; God's Divine and "only begotten" Son. The Creative Word of Genesis chapter 1, born in the flesh, of a virgin, walked 30+ years on this earth without sin, offered His own Body a sacrifice, in MY place, taking MY death sentence upon Himself. Raised from the dead after three days, walking the earth, proving the reality of His ressurection to over 500 witnesses, and finally, ascending into heaven to rule and reign at the right hand of His Father, the One True God. |
...In God's Holy Spirit, My guide and comfort, the Mechanism of God's power. ...In the Holy Bible, as accurate and divinely inspired. ...It is my reasonable service to God, an expression of my love for Him, to submit my entire life to Him, as His willing servant, without reservation or limit, holding back nothing. |
November 25, 2008
I Believe....
Doctrinal Statement
Forgiveness: Once a sinner accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour their sins are forgiven. They are judged to never have sinned.
Salvation: A repentant sinner is saved by the death of Jesus on the cross. Jesus death takes the place of the sinner's just punishment. When a sinner stands before the judgment seat of Heaven their life will be examined. Only those whose names are recorded in "The Lamb's Book of Life" will escape the just punishment for their sins.
Faith: Faith is the measurable existence of things promised in God's Word. It is the evidence that things we have not seen do, in fact, exists. Many things of the Kingdom of God are spiritual, and therefore not observable by our natural senses. These things are first known and understood by faith.
Love: God's Love for YOU is unconditional and unending, based only on His decision to love you. God's love is not based on your worthiness, nor on your actions.
Love: A believer demonstrates love towards God by obedience to God. God has made His will clear through His Word. So it is the responsibility of the believer to learn the Word, either by personal study or by teaching.
Godhead: The Godhead is the unity of three persons, Jehovah, the Father; Jesus, the Son, and their Holy Spirit. Each functioning with the full authority and power of God, and in perfect and complete agreement with one another.
God: Our Spiritual Father, creator of the Universe, all powerful, all knowing, without beginning nor end. (aka; Jehovah)
Jesus: Jesus's arrival(incarnation) on earth from heaven, by means of virgin birth, was promised from the beginning of mankind's existence, and repeatedly throughout history, both to the Jews and to others. He lived a life without sin. He died on the Cross, suffering the punishment for each individual's sins, was resurrected on the third day following, and returned to Heaven after walking on earth, being seen by many witnesses. He now sits at the right hand of God, intervening on our behalf.
Holy Spirit: God's Holy Spirit, sometimes identified as the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of God. Is our point of contact with the God head. We are urged to be immersed in His presence, to follow His guidance. He provides us access to God's knowledge, power, and thoughts. Jesus taught and the New Testament illustrated that believers were to be immersed in the Holy Spirit, as a natural outcome of accepting Jesus. A gift of God, one of many.
Bible: The written Word of God, given by inspiration of God for Doctrine, rebuke, correction, and instruction in righteousness. It is without error or contradiction, and is completely compatible with the truths of the observable universe, it's history and it's present.
Church: It is appropriate for a believer to be in fellowship with other believers. It is in that fellowship that the body of Christ most effectively functions, because God has called each believer to a particular function in His Kingdom. Only in working together can the individual functions, ministries, come together as a unified whole, accomplishing the will of God.
Worship: God is deserving of our worship, He expects it, and he is Jealous of anything we worship instead of Him, or above Him
Prayer: Talking with God, though often formal, is simply a conversation, a discussion, with our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe. As a conversation it is appropriate to expect an answer, to not only talk but to also listen.
Immersion: Jesus charged his followers to go into all the world immersing them and teaching them. There is clear evidence that the leaders of the church, in the years immediately following Jesus' resurrection immersed believers in water as a public display of the believer's oneness with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.(aka: Baptism)
January 26, 2008
Q & A
I'll take a shot at having answers
My answers tend to be from scripture as I am no Theologian
I generally start with the Gospels as the foundation, and build on that using the applications of Jesus' teaching as shown in the various letters in the rest of the New Testament, and referring to the Old Testament for context and examples of God's interaction with Peoplekind (P.C. for "mankind"?)
I seldom discuss or speculate on the interpretion of Prophecy. I figure we are no better at that than the Rabbi's of old... and most of THEM totally missed the Messiah, ya know?
I have doctrinal statements, and a statement of belief on my website: pastor.markelliott.org, so feel free to check them out as well
So... within these parameters.. ask away!