October 28, 2007

God Did It

In The Beginning GOD
created the Heavens and the Earth

The Army Corps of Engineers didn't do it;
OPEC didn't do it;
Halliburton didn't do it;
God did it!

This one fundamental fact should alter the way you do business.

God has certain undeniable rights of ownership in His creation. Just as our laws consider the rights of an inventor who discovers some new process or an artist who produces a beautiful work of art, it is time that we consider the rights of the One who started this whole process.

God created all the raw materials for our factories, He created the very environment in which we live and work, He started the chemical processes that we use to purify the water, pasteurize our milk, refine our minerals.

When I say "created" I mean that He caused it to come into existence where nothing had previously existed. Whether He did this in 7 days or 700 millennia is irrelevant, the point is that He did it!

Whenever I say God, you think "religion".
This has nothing to do with religion. I am sure you feel that your belief, or unbelief makes a difference. Consider that for many years everyone believed that the earth was flat. Did this change the true shape of the earth? Neither does your rejection of God effect His existence or His creation.

There is still the fact that God knows more about this world than you or I, simply because He created it. Therefor, it is reasonable to attempt to discover God's way.

Let us examine these questions...
"What does God's Creator-Rights earn Him?"
"How do we discover His way of doing things?"
"How do we implement what we discover?"

Just as there is a potential cost in using another's Patent or Copyright, there is a cost in using God's Creation. Just as an inventor sets the price on his invention , God has set a price on His creation. He demands two things, first that you acknowledge Him as the creator, and second that you return a tithe to Him, for His use. A tithe is a fancy word for 10% off the top.
Where do you send the check? The simplest place is to His Church. If you are not sure where that is, find the neediest person or group you can and give it to them (this by-passes the middle man).

Where do you go to find His way of doing things?
To His Book, of course.
So you don't "believe in" the Bible. So what!
It claims to be written at God's direction. Check it out for yourself, don't rely on hearsay evidence. There are specific answers to corporate and business problems in God's Bible. Solutions to personnel problems, ethics, taxation, banking, investments, manufacturing, distribution and so forth.

Even better, approach The Creator directly. He has placed himself at our disposal by way of His Son, Jesus. I know, you don't "believe in" Jesus, Do not forget with whom you are dealing, this is not some local government or foreign investment cartel, this is the Son of the Creator of the Universe!

Once you discover God's way of doing things, what then?
Put them to the test. I challenge you to take any one of God's solutions and set them head-to-head against man's ways, let both run their course, and objectively judge the results.
For example, try this one in your company for one year...
"You have heard that it has been said, love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But Jesus says, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which mistreat you, and persecute you."

You will discover that God's ways are better than your ways. And your company will prosper for it!

God has the ultimate monopoly on world-creating. No one has an outlet across town where you can buy the competitive product. Sure, there is an usurper who claims to be God's competitor, but strangely the products turned out by the Evil One are destructive rather than constructive! Satan, the Devil, (whatever name you choose) offers answers, Solutions, and plans for your company that will result in the ultimate destruction of you and your business.

God holds the creative power of the universe, all power, resources, talents, and truth originate with Him.

Never forget this in your business!

1 comment:

LadyD Piano said...

Thanks Mark!
Great insights here. So true that Jesus is our success! A great mark of ownership, to know that I belong to Christ and He owns it all. God Bless!

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